The DNJV had announced its research prize DNJV 2020, for which papers could be submitted until March 31, 2020. With its prize, the DNJV rewards a particularly good work in the field of German-Nordic legal relations. The prize is endowed with EUR 2,000.
A total of eleven papers were submitted for the prize, most of which were of very high quality. The papers were reviewed by various members of the DNJV in the period up to the beginning of September.
Based on the reviews, the board made a decision on who should be awarded the DNJV Prize 2020/21. The selection was not easy due to the many outstanding works.
We are pleased to announce that the DNJV 2020/21 prize has been awarded to Mr. Johan Schrader for his paper “Health Care Proxy as an Act of Trust”.
The thesis is a dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law of the University of Göttingen in the winter semester 2019/2020. In his work, Johan Schrader has examined in an outstanding manner the function and design of the health care proxy and the underlying precautionary relationship, the possible conception as an act of trust and the associated, hitherto unexamined but practically relevant questions concerning the tasks and discretionary powers of the health care proxy as well as the protection of the treating physician’s trust. Johan Schrader has dealt extensively with the legal situation in Sweden and Germany. He has succeeded not only in writing a work of high scientific value, but also a practically significant work.
If it is possible to hold a DNJV meeting in the spring of 2021, the prize should be awarded at that meeting.